Renewable Energy
Populace is expanding and scaling the solar industry to those who need it most. We are developing a flexible solar panel design to expand the availability of solar energy to low income communities. Renewables such as solar and wind energy will be required to scale rapidly in the next 20 years in order to achieve clean energy and ultimately our net zero goals.

Direct Air Carbon Capture
Direct Air Carbon Capture is the process of capturing CO2 and/or other greenhouse gases that are large contributing factors to climate change. Once CO2 is captured it can be sequestered to prevent further damage to the atmosphere. In the event that humanity manages to go to net zero carbon emissions, we will still need to take the existing CO2 out of the atmosphere to reverse the effects of climate change.
Decarbonizing the Electric Grid
The United States electric grid, generates more than 75% of it's electricity off of oil based and coal based generators. Most states are aiming for 100% clean energy by 2040 or by 2050. This lofty goal can only be achieved through ambitious and scalable innovations on our aging electric grid.

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